Katedra biológie

doc. Ing. Štefan Janeček, DrSc.

vysokoškolský pedagóg

Tituly, hodnosti

  • Ing. - 1989
  • CSc. - 1993
  • DrSc. - 2002
  • Doc. - 2015

Profesionálna kariéra

  • 1993 - doteraz - Ústav molekulárnej biológie SAV, Bratislava - vedúci vedecký pracovník
  • 2001 - doteraz - Fakulta prírodných vied UCM, Trnava - docent
  • Laboratórium evolúcie proteínov - na Ústave molekulárnej biológie SAV v Bratislave https://imb.savba.sk/~janecek/
  • odborný asistent na Katedre biológie FPV UCM v Trnave - hlavné vyučované predmety: Molekulovo-biologické databázy, Bioinformatika a Proteínový dizajn v bakalárskom a magisterskom stupni. 


  • Katedra biochemickej technológie, Chemicko-technologická fakulta STU v Bratislave


  • Cena SAV - 1997 a 2013
  • Cena rektora UCM v Trnave - 2015

Vedenie prác

  • Vedenie Bc. /Mgr. /rigorózne práce (počet) - 15
  • Doktorandi počet (terajší) - 7 / 1 (ÚMB SAV) a 2 (FPV UCM)
  1. Mgr. Zuzana Janíčková - SEP 2017 - AUG 2021 - "In silico štúdium amyláz pre ich možný proteínový dizajn"
  2. Mgr. Filip Mareček - SEP 2018 - AUG 2022 - "Špecificita a evolúcia amylolytických enzýmov - rodiny, podrodiny a klany ich sekvencií a štruktúr"


  • Ťažisko práce je teoretické in silico štúdium proteínov - ich štruktúr vo vzťahu k ich funkcii, vlastnostiam a evolúcii. Hlavný záujem je o enzýmy z alfa-amylázovej rodiny - v súčasnosti v rámci klasifikácie CAZy (Carbohydrate Active enZymes) ide o rodiny glykozidových hydroláz GH13 (tvorí klan GH-H s rodinami GH70 a GH77), GH57 a GH119 (prípadne GH31 a GH126). Rovnaká pozornosť je venovaná aj bioinformatickým prístupom k štúdiu škrob-viažucich domén amylolytických enzýmov a ich analógov v neamylolytických enzýmoch a proteínoch, klasifikovaných do tzv. rodín CBM (carbohydrate-binding module families).

Členstvo vo vedeckých orgánoch

  • VR FPV UCM v Trnave, člen

Členstvo v skúšobných komisiách

  • Štátnicová komisia pre Bac. a Mgr. Na FPV UCM v Trnave, člen

Členstvo v odborových, habilitačných a inauguračných komisiách

  • Komisia pre obhajoby doktorských dizertácií pre molekulárnu biológiu, člen


  • VEGA (od roku 1996)
  • APVV (LPP 2009)

Organizátorská a editorská činnosť

  • zakladateľ a hlavný organizátor série medzinárodných konferencií o enzýmoch z alfa-amylázovej rodiny - ALAMY - od roku 2001 https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/amylase konajú každé tri roky (2001, 2004, 2007, 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019) na Slovensku v Kongresovom centre SAV na Smolenickom zámku: https://imb.savba.sk/~janecek/Alamys/
  • zakladateľ a hlavný editor časopisu "Amylase";  časopis "Amylase": zakladateľ a Editor-in-Chief;
  • časopis "3Biotech": Associate Editor;
  • časopis "Biologia", section Cellular and Molecular Biology: Managing Editor.
  • časopis "Enzyme and Microbial Technology": Editorial Board Member.
  • Ad hoc recenzent pre časopisy v odbore Life Sciences.

Spolupráca v zahraničí

  • Prof. Birte Svensson, Enzyme and Protein Chemistry, Department of Systems Biology, Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby - Copenhagen, Dánsko
  • Prof. Marc J.E.C. van der Maarel, Department Aquatic Biotechnology and Bioproduct Engineering, University of Groningen, Groningen, Holandsko
  • Dr. Dessy Natalia, Biochemistry Research Division, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Bandung, Indonézia
  • Dr. Kian Mau Goh, Department of Biosciences and Health Sciences, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru, Malajzia
  • Dr. Jean-Luc Da Lage, Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes Comportement, Ecologie, CNRS, Université Paris Sud, Gif sur Yvette, Francúzko
  • Dr. Natasa Bozic, Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Srbsko
  • Dr. Paweł Filipkowski, Department of Food Chemistry, Technology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Chemistry, Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poľsko
  • Dr. Matthew S. Gentry, Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, Epilepsy and Brain Metabolism Alliance, and Epilepsy Research Center, University of Kentucky College of Medicine, Lexington, KY, USA

Vybrané publikácie

  1. Janeček, Š.: New conserved amino acid region of α-amylases in the third loop of their (β/α)8-barrel domains. Biochemical Journal 1992, 288: 1069-1070.
  2. Janeček, Š.: Sequence similarities and evolutionary relationships of microbial, plant and animal α-amylases. European Journal of Biochemistry 1994, 224: 519-524.
  3. Janeček, Š., MacGregor, E.A. & Svensson, B.: Characteristic differences in the primary structure allow discrimination of cyclodextrin glucanotransferases from α-amylases. Biochemical Journal 1995, 305: 685-686.
  4. Janeček, Š.: α-Amylase family: molecular biology and evolution. Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology 1997, 67: 67-97.
  5. Janeček, Š., Svensson, B. & Henrissat, B.: Domain evolution in the α-amylase family. Journal of Molecular Evolution 1997, 45: 322-331.
  6. Janeček, Š., Lévêque, E., Belarbi, A. & Haye, B.: Close evolutionary relatedness of α-amylases from archaea and plants. Journal of Molecular Evolution 1999, 48: 421-426.
  7. Janeček, Š. & Ševčík, J.: The evolution of starch-binding domain. FEBS Letters 1999, 456: 119-125.
  8. Lévêque, E., Janeček, Š., Belarbi, A. & Haye, B.: Thermophilic archaeal amylolytic enzymes. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2000, 26: 2-13.
  9. MacGregor, E.A., Janeček, Š. & Svensson, B.: Relationship of sequence and structure to specificity in the α-amylase family of enzymes. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2001, 1546: 1-20.
  10. Oslancová, A. & Janeček, Š.: Oligo-1,6-glucosidase and neopullulanase enzyme subfamilies from the α-amylase family defined by the fifth conserved sequence region. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2002, 59: 1945-1959.
  11. Janeček, Š.: How many conserved sequence regions are there in the α-amylase family? Biologia 2002, 57 (Suppl. 11): 29-41.
  12. Janeček, Š., Svensson, B. & MacGregor, E.A.: Relation between domain evolution, specificity, and taxonomy of the α-amylase family members containing a C-terminal starch-binding domain. European Journal of Biochemistry 2003, 270: 635-645.
  13. Da Lage, J.L., Feller, G. & Janeček, Š.: Horizontal gene transfer from Eukarya to Bacteria and domain shuffling: the α-amylase model. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2004, 61: 97-109.
  14. Zona, R., Chang-Pi-Hin, F., O'Donohue, M.J. & Janeček, Š.: Bioinformatics of the glycoside hydrolase family 57 and identification of catalytic residues in amylopullulanase from Thermococcus hydrothermalis. European Journal of Biochemistry 2004, 271: 2863-2872.
  15. Machovič, M., Svensson, B., MacGregor, E.A. & Janeček, Š.: A new clan of CBM families based on bioinformatics of starch-binding domains from families CBM20 and CBM21. FEBS Journal 2005, 272: 5497-5513.
  16. Machovič, M. & Janeček, Š.: Starch-binding domains in the post-genome era. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2006, 63: 2710-2724.
  17. Machovič, M. & Janeček, Š.: The evolution of putative starch-binding domains. FEBS Letters 2006, 580: 6349-6356.
  18. van der Kaaij, R.M., Janeček, Š., van der Maarel, M.J., Dijkhuizen, L.: Phylogenetic and biochemical characterization of a novel cluster of intracellular fungal α-amylase enzymes. Microbiology 2007, 153: 4003-4015.
  19. Godány, A., Vidová, B. & Janeček, Š.: The unique glycoside hydrolase family 77 amylomaltase from Borrelia burgdorferi with only catalytic triad conserved. FEMS Microbiology Letters 2008, 284: 84-91.
  20. Christiansen, C., Abou Hachem, M., Janeček, Š., Viksø-Nielsen, A., Blennow, A. & Svensson, B.: The carbohydrate-binding module family 20 - diversity, structure, and function. FEBS Journal 2009, 276: 5006-5029.
  21. Gabriško, M. & Janeček, Š.: Looking for the ancestry of the heavy-chain subunits of heteromeric amino acid transporters rBAT and 4F2hc within the GH13 α-amylase family. FEBS Journal 2009, 276: 7265-7278.
  22. Janeček, Š. & Blesák, K.: Sequence-structural features and evolutionary relationships of family GH57 α-amylases and their putative alpha-amylase-like homologues. Protein Journal 2011, 30: 429-435.
  23. Janeček, Š., Svensson, B. & MacGregor, E.A.: Structural and evolutionary aspects of two families of non-catalytic domains present in starch and glycogen binding proteins from microbes, plants and animals. Enzyme and Microbial Technology 2011, 49: 429-440.
  24. Blesák, K. & Janeček, Š.: Sequence fingerprints of enzyme specificities from the glycoside hydrolase family GH57 Extremophiles 2012, 16: 497-506.
  25. Janeček, Š. & Kuchtová, A.: In silico identification of catalytic residues and domain fold of the family GH119 sharing the catalytic machinery with the α-amylase family GH57. FEBS Letters 2012, 586: 3360-3366.
  26. Puspasari, F., Radjasa, O., Noer, A., Nurachman, Z., Syah, Y., van der Maarel, M., Dijkhuizen, L., Janeček, Š. & Natalia, D.: Raw starch degrading α-amylase from Bacillus aquimaris MKSC 6.2: isolation and expression of the gene, bioinformatics and biochemical characterization of the recombinant enzyme. Journal of Applied Microbiology 2013, 114: 108-120.
  27. Majzlová, K., Pukajová, Z. & Janeček, Š.: Tracing the evolution of the α-amylase subfamily GH13_36 covering the amylolytic enzymes intermediate between oligo-1,6-glucosidases and neopullulanases. Carbohydrate Research 2013, 367: 48-57.
  28. Da Lage, J.L., Binder, M., Hua-Van, A., Janeček, Š. & Casane, D.: Gene make-up: rapid and massive intron gains after horizontal transfer of a bacterial α-amylase gene to Basidiomycetes. BMC Evolutionary Biology 2013, 13: 40.
  29. Blesák, K. & Janeček, Š.: Two potentially novel amylolytic enzyme specificities in the prokaryotic glycoside hydrolase α-amylase family GH57. Microbiology 2013, 159: 2584-2593.
  30. Janeček, Š., Svensson, B. & MacGregor, E.A.: α-Amylase - an enzyme specificity found in various families of glycoside hydrolases. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2014, 71: 1149-1170.
  31. Ranjani, V., Janeček, Š., Chai, K.P., Shahir, S., Noor, R., Abdul Rahman, Z.R., Chan, K.G. & Goh, K.M.: Protein engineering of selected residues from conserved sequence regions of a novel Anoxybacillus α-amylase. Scientific Reports 2014, 4: Art. No. 5850.
  32. Kuchtová, A. & Janeček, Š.: In silico analysis of family GH77 with focus on amylomaltases from borreliae and disproportionating enzymes DPE2 from plants and bacteria. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 2015, 1854: 1260-1268.
  33. Janeček, Š. & Gabriško, M.: Remarkable evolutionary relatedness among the enzymes and proteins from the α-amylase family. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 2016, 73: 2707-2725.
  34. Kuchtová, A. & Janeček, Š.: Domain evolution in enzymes of the neopullulanase subfamily. Microbiology 2016, 162: 2099-2115.
  35. Janeček, Š., Majzlová, K., Svensson, B. & MacGregor, E.A.: The starch-binding domain family CBM41 - an in silico analysis of evolutionary relationships. Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 2017, 85: 1480-1492.
  36. Sarian, F.D., Janeček, Š., Pijning, T., Ihsanawati, Nurachman, Z., Radjasa, O.K., Dijkhuizen, L., Natalia, D. & van der Maarel, M.J.E.C.: A new group of glycoside hydrolase family 13 α-amylases with an aberrant catalytic triad. Scientific Reports 2017, 7: 44230.
  37. Kuchtová, A., Gentry, M.S. & Janeček, Š.: A unique evolution of the carbohydrate-binding module CBM20 in laforin. FEBS Letters 2018, 592: 586-598.
  38. Martinovičová, M. & Janeček, Š.: In silico analysis of the α-amylase family GH57 - eventual subfamilies reflecting enzyme specificities. 3 Biotech 2018, 8: 307.
  39. Zhang, X., Leemhuis, H., Janeček, Š., Martinovičová, M., Pijning, T. & van der Maarel, M.J.E.C.: Identification of Thermotoga maritima MSB8 GH57 α-amylase AmyC as a glycogen-branching enzyme with high hydrolytic activity. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 2019, 103: 6141-6151.
  40. Janeček, Š., Mareček, F., MacGregor, E.A. & Svensson, B.: Starch-binding domains as CBM families - history, occurrence, structure, function and evolution. Biotechnology Advances 2019, 37: 107451.
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